Frequently Asked Questions
Put your mind at ease.
How long will it take?
That depends! For most students, the time required will depend on how tidy your data is, what kind of analysis you would like performed, and the size of your dataset. In terms of The Stats Course, your availability and previous statistical experience will also contribute to timing. In general, tidy data should be feasibly returned within one to two months. If you need something urgently, we can discuss an express analysis.
How much will it cost?
This is dependent on time. If you have a cap on how much you can allocate to statistics analysis assistance, then we can look at fitting into your budget.
Can I use my funding?
Potentially. For many universities, what you can spend funding on is limited so please check with your supervisor(s). It may be that you can only use your funding up to a certain amount, for training not offered at the university, or for services that help you complete research-related activities beyond what is expected for your thesis or dissertation (like complex analysis).
Is This within university rules?
Good question. For The Helping Hand option, typically, yes. There are sometimes rules, however (such as ensuring no plagiarism). The first step is to check with your supervisor(s). Try searching your university website for terms like "Ph.D. Regulations" to check the rules outlined in the university calendar. It may be that you need to complete a certain amount of analysis yourself, which we can do together through The Stats Course service.
What will I receive at the end?
For The Helping Hand option, you'll receive a report and the R code. The report will include plots and other R output, as well as a few bullet points that highlight key aspects. For The Stats Course option, you'll have any notes taken during our sessions together, and the R code that you have written.
What about confidentiality?
Don't worry! I've dealt with Ethics Committees, too. The most common solution for sharing your data is for me to provide a confidentiality agreement. Check with your supervisor(s) on how to handle the specifics needed for your ethics. Often, this will simply involve me providing a signed confidentiality agreement that you then send to your ethics committee body for approval.